Moreover, we don’t have time for regular physical activity, which can lead to numerous problems, such as weight gain, osteoporosis, and cardiovascular disease. In fact, sedentary lifestyle decreases the activity of an enzyme called lipoprotein lipase, which helps burn fat. Moreover, it increases blood pressure and lowers the diameter of arteries.If you spend most of your time inactive and sitting, the following exercises are the right solution for you. These quick, easy, and effective exercises can be done while watching TV or even while you are in your office. However, you should combine this exercise with a healthy diet. Do these exercises at least once a day.
5 Chair Exercises for Belly Fat
Double Knee Lift
Bear in mind that this exercise is a little more advanced. Sit on a chair with your knees touching.
Then, place your hands on the armrests. Make sure you keep your back straight. Next, you should lift
both knees to your chest at the same time. Then, lower the feet to the ground without touching the
ground. You should repeat this exercise 10-20 times.
Oblique Pull Ups
You should remain seated with your arms placed on the armrests. Then, lean to one side of your chair
while partially lifting your bum off the chair. You should repeat the same move as the double knee
lift. Next, lean to the other side and repeat the double knee lift. Do 10-20 repetitions.
Knee Pull-Ins
This exercise doesn’t only target the lower abs, but also the core. Remain seated on the edge of the
chair. Your feet should be placed firmly on the ground and your back straight. Then, lift your
right knee towards your chest while bringing your hands towards the knees. Make sure you
alternate the knees and do 20-30 repetitions.
Floor Reaches
This exercise targets the fat from your hips and sides. You should sit on the chair with your feet on
the ground and your arms straight next to your sides at shoulder height. Then,
lean forward to touch your feet. You should touch your left toes with the right hand and vice versa.
Alternate each time. Repeat 20-30 times.
Pull Up
You will strengthen the core, shoulders, back, and arms with this exercise. You should be seated on
the chair with your arms on the armrests. Then, push yourself up while using your abs to pull up your
knees. Hold this position for a few seconds, and return to starting position as slowly as possible.
Repeat 20-30 times.
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